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18 May 2007

Slow progress, but progress nonetheless

You’ll notice that I haven’t updated this site for a while….for two reasons. First, not much has changed, and second that I haven’t got the ready access to the internet in Germany as I thought I might (there are internet cafes but they cost money and people smoke in them!).

Since Dad’s arrival back home he has been improving very well. He goes for a walk each day and is gradually building up more and more strength. He can walk around the block without any trouble. Although it does become quite tiring for him so he does need to rest a bit throughout the day. The wound where the infection was (see blog entry on [insert date]) is slowly closing up and when it is fully closed Dad will consider going in the pool :-)

Last week he went for a visit to the doctors who basically saw him for five minutes and said all looked fine….see you in a month’s time. So basically not much will change in the next few weeks.

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