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30 March 2007

Day 21 - Steps forward

A sombre mood today. Frustration setting in. Achievements made.

This morning Mum and I were at the hospital at 7am to support Dad when the docs came to check him out again. When they finally came (all dozen of them!!!!) they poked a little, got him to move a little, hmmmed and aahhhed a little, said very little and then disappeared a couple of minutes later. Apparently they were to go and have a conference all together to determine the best options for the arm.

We were told the docs would return about 9-10am to advise of their thoughts. 10am came and went, and by 11.30am I had to go back to work.

After work I visited the hospital again, thinking to myself as I walked in that it is becoming like a second home. I asked "have the docs been yet?" with the expected response "nah". Perhaps they will come back tomorrow - late/delayed in typical public hospital fashion.

There were two significant steps forward though!! Dad was able to walk to the toilet/bathroom just outside his room - WITHOUT ASSISTANCE. He was ecstatic to be able to do that, even though the docs have stipulated two nurses must be there just in case :-) Everyday he gets stronger and can do more. He has vowed to eat only when sitting in the chair, which means he is now moving in and out of the chair all day, further strengthening his legs and body.

The second breakthrough was his memory of the day of the accident. He has begun to remember things from the early part of the day like dropping off a letter at a postbox that morning.

This is good news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see he is getting up and around, you don't expect him to wait for the nurses to help him do you!! hahaha That man waits for nobody.