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11 April 2007

Day 33 - Off with her head!

"Off with her head!" said The Queen of Hearts (of Alice in Wonderland fame), and so too did the doctors about the vacuum dressings and drip for Dad. Well, not quite in those words but essentially the same meaning.

Dad's vacuum dressings are off.
Dad's vancomycin drip is off.
The rash will go away.

The skin grafts are looking healthy and good, so now he has a normal gauze and bandage on his arm. They should heal nicely and close the wounds over the coming weeks.

Dad was so excited to have the machines off him. Standing up he felt a bit faint, so had a bit of a rest, then moved on again to walk to the toilet, and begin the onward journey in life.

Now that Dad is a little less 'anchored' down (with no machines to cart around) he will be able to concentrate on walking and moving around more.

The next step is to talk with the orthodaedic surgeons about the scaffolding on his arm, and what they want to do with it - leave it or replace it with something more comfortable. He may even go home very soon :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is great news!!!!!