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22 April 2007

Day 44 - recovering

In a way, it was a bit of a good thing that Dad had to go back to hospital on Friday because it fast tracked the next operation.

Yesterday (Saturday) he was in the operating theatre again. The source of the infection was treated - a cyst had formed at the site where an artery was taken from to use in the repair of his arm on the day of the accident. The cyst had become infected and over 500mL of fluid was drained/cleaned out! At the same time, the scaffolding (officially called "external fixators") was also removed, which has made the arm look better.

He has some tubes attached to him again, but they are due to be removed in about two or three days. So, it's not quite so bad this time.

Dad is recovering quite well from this surgery actually, having a slightly different view from his hospital bed this time. His skin grafts are growing more all the time, and it is looking much more like normal skin again.

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